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Our foundations are strong because they have been built by human spirit, it is what we do that really matters.

Our Clients expect and deserve services by people who are experts in their roles, and our OPITO approved CAN DO competency development program integrates the practical skills, knowledge and situational awareness required to deliver on this expectation.

Our CAN DO Attitude is a fundamental characteristic of who we are. Pursuing the highest standards of excellence in all of our business practices has helped us deliver significant success, and remains essential to our continued evolution.

Our CAN DO® Competency program is accredited from both OPITO and IADC CAA.

Our System Objectives

Integrity, Efficiency and consistency: three attributes Cansco knows best.

Every products and services we provide is designed to improve your Well Performance. All of our equipment, services and solutions are aim to improve your Well Performance, process efficiency and consistency to save you time, money and labor.

Embraced Throughout

Competence is embraced throughout the organisation from senior to operational levels.

Improved Performance

The competence system improves the organisations business performance.

Reviewed Regularly

Effective policies, procedures and process’s have been implemented with the system and these are regularly reviewed.

Set The Standard

Standards of competence have been designed to fit the business needs of the organisation.

Meet The Demands

There are sufficient qualified assessors and verifiers to meet the demands of the assessment and verification activities.

Staff & Resources Allocation

There are sufficient staff and financial resources allocated for the design, implementation and maintenance of the system.


CANSCO is firmly committed to providing high quality well control equipment and services, which meet or exceed the needs of our Customers and comply with the requirements of the Company.

The Company will manage and control its organizational systems and processes through its integrated Business Management System (BMS), a practical infrastructure and performance management tool established and maintained to deliver value through proper allocation and application of time, people, process and plant to maximize right-first-time outcomes for the desired performance objectives.

Excellence is a core Business Value and the Quality Performance requirements integrated within the BMS aim to promote and maintain accurate and consistent service quality, and to facilitate continuous improvement within each business process.

Quality Performance means:

Compliance with applicable laws and regulations

Compliance with Company policies, procedures and standards

Conformance to agreed Customer requirements

All employees are responsible for quality of service to internal and external Customers. All employees shall be familiar with the policies, procedures and standards of the Company and strive to be a shining example in their proper application.


In providing high quality well control system products and services, CANSCO is committed to pursuing the highest standards of health, safety and environmental (HS&E) performance.

It is the policy of the Company to be in compliance with all applicable legislation within the areas of our operation, to conduct all operations in a manner that promotes safe work practices and minimizes risk to our employees, to those with whom we interact, and to the environment; and to implement the programs, training and internal controls necessary to achieve these goals.

It is Management’s goal that no one suffers an injury or illness as a result of our activities and that we will protect the environment. We are committed to protecting the integrity of the Company’s human, physical and financial resources. The Company’s HS&E objectives are:

  • To inform our hazard awareness and risk management processes by consulting, listening and seeking effective participation of our Employees, Customers, Suppliers and others with whom we interact in our work activities.
  • To conduct our operations with the minimal risk to personnel and to the environment.
  • To seek continuous improvement.
The Company’s HS&E objectives are:
  • To inform our hazard awareness and risk management processes by consulting, listening and seeking effective participation of our Employees, Customers, Suppliers and others with whom we interact in our work activities.
  • To conduct our operations with the minimal risk to personnel and to the environment.
  • To seek continuous improvement.
In order to achieve these objectives the Company shall:
  • Promote a performance philosophy that mandates proper allocation and application of time, people, process and plant to maximise right-first-time outcomes for the desired performance objectives, a guiding principle for all our organisational behavior supported by employee empowerment to stop any activity or operation and initiate a Time Out For Safety whenever appropriate.
  • Establish practical policy, procedures and standards for effective HS&E management that are fully integrated within the Company Business Management System (BMS).
  • Establish workplaces and practices that incorporate provisions to meet or exceed the Company’s HS&E performance requirements and ensure all workplace personnel are aware of their HS&E duties in their work.
  • Provide training for our staff and others such that we have a technically competent workforce and an active HS&E culture at our worksites.
  • Apply hazard identification, risk management, loss control and monitoring processes, both internally and externally with those with whom we interact in our work activities, to provide the assurance that our management systems are functioning correctly, and that hazards and risks are identified, assessed and minimized.
  • Measure, monitor and openly report our HS&E performance.
  • Promote continuous performance improvement and recognize those within the Company who contribute to improving our HS&E performance.
  • Through our actions, maintain the confidence of others in the integrity of our operations.
  • Expect all who work with us to support the Company’s commitment to HS&E in all aspects of our business.


CANSCO, through its Vision, Mission, Values and key Policy Statements, recognizes the essential role of its people in achieving its industry leadership and growth ambitions.

The Company recognizes that to continuously improve its business performance, the right people must be selected, recruited, trained, developed and retained. The Company is committed to training and development and will ensure that adequate financial and other resources are made available to meet its training, learning and development objectives.

The Company training, learning and development (TLD) program, and the related competency management (CAN DO) program, shall be fully integrated within the Company organization and its Business Management System (BMS) to facilitate:

  • Alignment with Company Vision, Mission, and Values;
  • Compliance with applicable laws and industry regulations, codes and standards;
  • Reliable and sustainable Business performance;
  • Protection of the health and safety of the Company’s Employees, Customers Suppliers, and others with whom we interact in our work activities, and;
  • Protection of the environment.

The Company TLD and CAN DO programs shall be established and maintained cognizant at all times of the safety critical role the Company’s well control system products and services have on our Customers’ well site as mitigation of the major hazard associated with all well activities.

Leadership, at all levels of the organization, shall engender belief in and commitment to the advancement of the Company through the growth and advancement of its people. Clarity of an individual’s development path and the related contribution to the Company’s objectives shall serve as a catalyst for continuous performance improvement of both the individual and the Company.